I mentioned on Tuesday that I really dropped the ball this Halloween. I was unprepared, and I basically hid in my house to avoid disappointing a kid with a cute costume by actually answering the door with no candy in my hands! I searched my house, considering all the options.

Some leftover cookies? No. Baked goods are a no-no. Pennies I found in my junk drawer? Obviously not. A few pieces of loose licorice that had seen better days? A total embarrassment!

I opted for the coward's way out, silently crouching, ignoring the doorbell, willing them to go away. After seeing the WORST HALLOWEEN "TREAT" IN THE WORLD, I'm glad I did. A kid would prefer an apple with a razor blade in it than this: A potato.

potato halloween

You heard (read) correctly. A potato.

I would like to shake the hand of the person who came up with this brainstorm. It takes a special kind of balls to do this. So congratulations to Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head. There's gotta be an award of some kind for the worst thing you can possibly fill a child's Halloween bag with.

If there is, this the hands down winner!

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