The sunny days are getting shorter...and colder...but my father is getting closer to New Jersey!

continental divide
At the "continental divide" in Colorado, on his first cross-country trip in 1983. (Craig Allen photo archives).

My father has biked across the United States east to west and west to east, several times since the "Big 80's."

1997 Crazy Horse Monument
Taking a break at the "Crazy Horse Monument" in Custer, South Dakota, 1997. (Craig Allen photo archives).

He has also made his way from New Jersey to Alaska, and Alaska to New Jersey via bicycle. He  biked across England, and several European countries in the 90's.

Now, here at, you've been able to cross Canada with him, this summer.

"On The Road Again." (Craig Allen photo archives).

He is in a sparsely populated area on this leg of his journey. Towns are small, and far in between. This translates into less updates from the road. As a matter of fact, he explains how he was fortunate to send his latest e-mail blast, as he opens:

This will be very brief. (A) family is letting me use their computer because I can't find a library open when I pass by.
I have reached Deep River, 80-85 KM east of North Bay.
Ron, Melinda & Alex have graciously let me join their meal, when I asked permission to sleep out back of a lumber storage building across the highway.
I have been peddling my butt off the last couple of days.  (Big) hills (and) rough roads. Some head winds, but making very good progress.
Also am in great shape!"
It's "Labor Day" here in the states...but its not a national holiday in Canada...
Scenic Canada by bicycle. (Craig Allen photo archives).
So, you can be sure that my father is "laboring" today on the scenic Canadian roads, in his effort to return to New Jersey under pedal power!

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