This is (supposedly) NJ’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish
This came up last year and it came up again this year, and I didn’t believe it either time.
A website called Zippia.com looked at Google search data (which always makes me suspicious; just because people are searching for it doesn’t make it a favorite) to see which Thanksgiving sides were being searched for.
They examined over 20 Thanksgiving classics. From there, they determined which side is searched a disproportionately, high amount.
Before we get to New Jersey, here is an overview:
⚫ 75% of Thanksgiving meals feature mashed potatoes and stuffing or dressing, 69% feature dinner rolls, 64% have cranberry sauce, and 59% serve sweet potatoes.
⚫ The most popular Thanksgiving side in the U.S. is mashed potatoes, which reigns supreme in 9 states
⚫ 74% of Americans expect to be eating at least 4 side dishes on Thanksgiving.
All that being said, what is New Jersey’s favorite Thanksgiving side dish? According to this study, anyway, it’s stuffed mushrooms. No, I don’t believe it either. Stuffed mushrooms over stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, even mac and cheese, really?
For what it’s worth, Alaska also prefers stuffed mushrooms.
As far as our neighbors go, PA’s favorite side is stuffing, New York’s is sweet potatoes with marshmallows, and for Delaware, it’s cauliflower mashed potatoes (?).
Notable in its absence is the New Jersey creation, green bean casserole; now, Indiana, Iowa, and Ohio all had green beans as their favorite side, so let’s just assume they’re eating them in casserole form.
No matter what your favorite side is, I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker
LOOK: Here Are the 25 Best Thanksgiving movies of all time
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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