It’s one sex scandal after the next…now Syracuse coach Bernie Fine has been fired by the university and his wife told his accuser that her husband 'needs help'.
Now if you know it’s your husband, family member, friend….what would you do? Do you just drop a dime on them, or do you confront them, then drop a dime on them; and eventually get out of Dodge?

The school board in Wayne Hills goes back and forth in the case of the 9 players who were charged with assault….now they won't be able to play in their sectional final…do you feel that’s the decision they should have made in the first place?
And do you think the coach should be held accountable for not suspending them in the first place? (PS: He also comes up in the next story!)

Are you a collector of crap that you find valuable…..there was a sports cards and collectables show in Homdel yesterday that brought collectors from all around. I have a brother in law that collects beer bottle labels! Don’t ask me why. I still don’t see the value in them!

On 100th birthday, a New Jersey Italian immigrant returns to Ellis Island to recall what it was like to first come to America….where did you, or your family come from?
(And no, Brooklyn or Staten Island don’t count!)

I found a very timely article on reinventing yourself in a sucky job market. Especially if you’re used to bringing in 6 figures, that could be a dicey proposition, so I wonder, have you had to reinvent yourself…change careers, and how long did it take you?

State legislators are considering tougher laws governing driving rules for teens. Now do you see how forward thinking they are? Always looking out for our chillens. Imagine the courage it would take to consider tougher laws governing older drivers! (Nah……I was only dreaming!)

How did you decide on your kids’ names? Believe it or not, lots of folks are finding their kids names off Google! Not many believe in the old fashioned way, like naming after someone in the family. Still others make names up, which personally drives me crazy. They say they want something unique! How did you name your kids?

The Governor announced today that he’s planning to expand the state drug court program…for nonviolent drug offenders. Makes sense to me, especially since he wants to reduce the prison population..yet there will be those who say that as long as they committed these crimes, they should be put away.
Do you feel that some drug offenders should go to drug court instead of jail?

Plus a few more things I’m sure to find between now and 11!

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