This quiz claims it can tell what state you’re fromThis quiz claims it can tell what state you’re fromHelp Doyle figure out a way to manipulate this quiz to have it say you're from Jersey,Bill DoyleBill Doyle
Take these fun Christmas quizzes Take these fun Christmas quizzes See if you can score higher than Kylie and Joe V!Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
How fast can you fill in all 21 Jersey counties on this map?How fast can you fill in all 21 Jersey counties on this map?You have three minutes!Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Can you name all these horror movies from just a screen shot?Can you name all these horror movies from just a screen shot?Halloween is days away, and this weekend you might be ordering a creepy movie or two.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Deminski’s Jersey cynicism proves this personality color quiz wrongDeminski’s Jersey cynicism proves this personality color quiz wrongBeing an optimist in New Jersey is hard.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
640 is coming — Can you identify NJ’s 9 current area codes?640 is coming — Can you identify NJ’s 9 current area codes?Think you know NJ's area codes by heart? Joe Votruba made a quiz to test out your knowledge.Joe VotrubaJoe Votruba
A crazy food test to tell if you’re truly from JerseyA crazy food test to tell if you’re truly from JerseyIf you grew up here you should ace this.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Can this test predict you’re from Jersey by the words you use?Can this test predict you’re from Jersey by the words you use?Hopefully you can get a more favorable result than Jeff Deminski.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Can this site correctly guess that you live in Jersey?Can this site correctly guess that you live in Jersey?Let's see how accurate this quiz really is.Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski
Can New Jersey, the 5th smartest state, pass this 3 question intelligence test?Can New Jersey, the 5th smartest state, pass this 3 question intelligence test?These three questions are so challenging, many MIT students were unable to answer all three questions correctly. Jeff DeminskiJeff Deminski