Nothing can prepare you for this deer carcass I saw in NJNothing can prepare you for this deer carcass I saw in NJNote: not for the faint of heart.Kylie MooreKylie Moore
What Happens When You Hit a Deer on the Garden State ParkwayWhat Happens When You Hit a Deer on the Garden State ParkwayIf you hit a deer on the Garden State Parkway, what should you do?Chelsea CorrineChelsea Corrine
Deer Spotted in Galloway with Jug on it’s HeadDeer Spotted in Galloway with Jug on it’s HeadResidents of Galloway Township report seeing a deer in the area, with some sort of container stuck on its head!Joe KellyJoe Kelly
Look Out! It’s Peak Deer Season Now at the Jersey ShoreLook Out! It’s Peak Deer Season Now at the Jersey ShoreIt is the peak season for deer here at the Jersey Shore and for all of New Jersey for that matter. Between dusk and dawn through October and November.Shawn MichaelsShawn Michaels
Depew, New York Deer Playing Peek-A-Boo Goes ViralDepew, New York Deer Playing Peek-A-Boo Goes ViralA woman in Depew is finding some viral fame for a video she took of a young deer in her backyard that she was playing peek-a-boo with.Rob BanksRob Banks
Hey, Jersey, Here’s Best Advice About That Baby Deer in Your YardHey, Jersey, Here’s Best Advice About That Baby Deer in Your YardFawns are typically born at this time of the year (late May and early June).Joe KellyJoe Kelly
12 Animals That Are Illegal to Own as Pets in New Jersey12 Animals That Are Illegal to Own as Pets in New JerseyWhile the thought of having a pet monkey or big cat sounds like you'd be living your best life, if you live in New Jersey, you might want to think again.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
Amazing! Watch Deer in Mays Landing Leap Into Truck BedAmazing! Watch Deer in Mays Landing Leap Into Truck BedWatch this deer leap over a van and into the back of the truck!Joe KellyJoe Kelly
So, It’s Legal to Bait Deer in New Jersey but Not Feed Them?So, It’s Legal to Bait Deer in New Jersey but Not Feed Them?It's deer season in New Jersey. But while it's permissible to bait the creatures for the purposes of hunting them, is it legal to feed deer? Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
Is It Illegal to Take and Eat Roadkill Deer in New Jersey?Is It Illegal to Take and Eat Roadkill Deer in New Jersey?Ever wonder if you can harvest free deer meat from New Jersey roads?AustynAustyn