Roadway through Fort Monmouth connects drivers while maintaining past pride
For the first time since Fort Monmouth closed in 2011, drivers in the local area will be able to cut through the property to reach major roadways on both sides of the base.
County Road 537, which connects State Highway 35 in Eatontown and Oceanport Avenue, was reopened this week. The reopening comes after temporary fencing and signage was placed at the site promoting the changes in traffic to come. Additional work included new drainage.
The newly refurbished road will be maintained going forward by the county, with Monmouth County Freeholder Director Lillian G. Burry saying, "This is a positive next step in the planned redevelopment of Fort Monmouth, an initiative which will greatly impact the quality of life and overall living standard for all County residents."
While the road may look new to those who have not been on it in many years, the iconic "Johnson Gate" arches and the Avenue of Memories sections of the road have been fixed and cleaned to maintain the road's history.
"Extending County Route 537 will alleviate traffic congestion on area roadways, and allow all to see the potential development and business opportunities that the former Fort now affords," Freeholder Tom Arnone said.
Monmouth County will be responsible for maintaining the road, but the police departments in Oceanport and Eatontown will enforce laws on the road.
"I would like to express my personal appreciation to Monmouth County for the focus and attention paid by everyone involved with this project to reopen this roadway to the public and especially to the residents of Monmouth County," Fort Monmouth Economic Revitalization Authority Chairman James V. Gorman said.
Contact reporter Adam Hochron at 609-359-5326 or