Every day feels like "day one" to me!

That's because it IS day one!

Starting off at 195, it feels like there will be a ways to go before I hit what I think would be my optimum weight of 180.

All right, so first I share a quote from the inimitable Vince Lombardi:

"It's not whether you get knocked down,
it's whether you get up."
-Vince Lombardi

You, and I, may have gotten knocked down after the beginning of the year.

But that doesn't mean you have to stay down!

So while I was wobbling around trying to get started again, I finally got off the mat and decided to prioritize.

After all, you only have so many hours in a day.

Give yourself at least ONE of them.

Today, just for starts, I gave myself ONE AND A HALF.

Started out by eating a peanut butter sandwich on a multigrain bagel and a cup of black coffee.

Went to the gym, and did the following:

Medicine ball squat with shoulder thrust against basketball court wall. Did 4 sets...started with 6 lb ball, then 2 sets with 8 lb ball, one set with 16 lb all, and finished with 8 lb ball.

Side tosses: swung medicine ball against basketball court wall in the same progression as above.

Over at flat barbell bench: Leglift with 10 lb weight between feet...while holding
135 lb barbell over chest. Did 3 sets of 10.

Abs and Chest:
Over at cable station: lying cable chest flyes with shoulders on balance ball...feet together . Started at 50 lbs each.....lowered weight to 40 to insure proper form...did 3 sets total.

Did 3 30 second rounds on heavy bag followed by one round of round kicks.

Once I got home, I made myself a protein shake which I'm drinking while I write this. And it looks like there's fish for dinner tonight.

That's day one.

If you're contemplating getting into shape before Memorial Day, let's share some ideas.

And I'll let you know how I'm doing.....at least this way we can be virtual partners.

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