Leadoff spot…Governor calls Assemblyman “numb nuts”…. Do you feel the governor’s act is wearing thin, or, are you like me, still laughing your ass off like I am for saying that?

Ethical questions: What to do about Viki Knox, the Union Township High School teacher who's being taken to task for her anti-gay Facebook comments…should she or shouldn’t she be fired?

Would you fire a Principal of a school that cursed in front of an assembly? (She used the “s” word in front of some kids in an assembly after some fecal matter was smeared on a bathroom wall!)

And in Tennessee, there’s something called the 'Don't Say Gay' Bill that advances In State Senate…should it be illegal for teachers to discuss any sexual behavior apart from heterosexuality with students in K-8 schools?


Such balls: Jerry Sandusky asks court for visits with his grandchildren….do you feel the court should grant him those visits?

Posse Potpourri:

Did you get locked out of getting tickets to see Bruce? Why doesn’t he promote his own shows?

How despondent had you become after having put down your pet? A Soap opera actor committed suicide after his dog was forced to undergo euthanasia.
Now, when you hear this story, you’re gonna ask yourself….why couldn’t the guy just have put the dog up for adoption?

What’s the most dangerous gig you’ve ever had….pizza deliveryman seems to be up there! In AC….10 men wanted in two separate robberies of pizza delivery men.

Anybody in your neighborhood go “above and beyond”…to risk their lives for you…..Just recently there was Sayreville couple that saved a man involved in head-on collision from burning car!

More men coloring their hair…do you, and would you consider it “unmanly” to do so? And do you believe in "manscaping"?

See you at 11!

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