Tis the season with more folly!

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation is taking up the issue of a sign hanging over the main st in Pitman sponsored by the local K of C to “Keep Christ in Christmas. Over a church, no problem, they say…but over Broadway, which is a county road….not so much.

The illegal immigrant debate rages on….this time the epicenter is Union City where an illegal living here for 20 years, never being convicted of a crime, is about to be separated from his wife and 3 kids.

You know the rest!

How would you like it if a place of business put a time limit on how long you can work for them?

Well, the folks at the Revel Casino in AC plan to limit the length of employment for some casino workers there. I mean, c’mon, do any of us really have any job security? Are we really guaranteed a job for life?

Penile prolongation gone awry… Have you ever gone for any cosmetic surgery that hasn’t gone the way you expected. This case is a bit extreme. To say the least!
An East Orange woman pleads not guilty to homicide charges for allegedly administering a silicone injection into the penis of a 22-year-old man, who later died. Dudes, (and ladies, if you care to interject), is it worth the risk? Just be happy with what God gave you! Or didn’t give you, because I’m sure he made up for it in other areas!

And the hottest toy this year is…..(drumroll!) What was your favorite growing up?

And speaking of growing up, who did you admire most?
Some folk in Newark who showed up to see former Newark drug kingpin Frank Lucas, (the dude from “American Gangster”) view him as a folk hero.

Reminds me of the always quotable movie, “A Bronx Tale”!

Sad but true!

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