Pledge to Just Drive, win Nascar Pro Series tickets
NOTE: The drawing below has ended.
New Jersey 101.5 and the state Motor Vehicle Commission are offering you a chance for free tickets to the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East on Sept. 17 — and all you've got to do is make a promise that could save your life.
Pledge to Just Drive below, and you'll be entered into a drawing for a pair of tickets to the Pro Series, held at the New Jersey MotorSports Park in Millville. Winners will be selected every week through Labor Day.
Each year, more than 425,000 accidents are caused by texting, talking or using apps while driving. Basically anything other than driving is dangerous because it takes your attention away from the road.
Twenty-five percent of all accidents involve drivers who use a cell phone – accidents that can result in serious, lifelong injuries and death
Take a stand and pledge to Just Drive.
I pledge to not text or talk and drive because:
• it makes me 23x more likely to crash;
• it is 6x more likely to cause me to crash than drunk driving;
• it takes my eyes off the road for an average of five seconds, which, at 65 MPH, is traveling the equivalent of a 50-story building;
• it can end my life or the lives of my family, friends or anyone else on the road with me; and
• it ruins lives.
By filling out the form below, I am making a decision not to text or talk while behind the wheel, to follow the driving laws in New Jersey and to act as the designated texter for anyone I’m driving with as a passenger, keeping us safe on the road:
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