People keep putting ‘Trump’ (and other surprises) on NJ resumes
San Francisco-based job resource site Zippia analyzed more than 3 million resumes state-by-state to find the strangest terms people put on them in hopes of attracting employers' attention. In New Jersey?
"Trump," according to marketing manager Kathy Morris.
She said this was surprising since New Jersey is not considered a conservative state -- in presidential elections, it's voted blue for decades. But when the site's staff did more digging, they found that most people who work for Trump properties, live in New Jersey. And it's hard to have a resume that doesn't include a past employer.
But there are other terms on New Jersey resumes that are not easily explained. For example, "napping." Morris said this not something to brag about when trying to get a job. "Husband" was another keyword.
When Zippia looked at the country as a whole, most terms used in one state are used in others. The difference is how much and how often. Terms like "space," "tennis" and "magic," all had cross-over appeal. New Jersey was not the only state where job-seekers mentioned "Trump," but it was the state that mentioned the term the most.
Morris said pop culture terms such as "Dungeons and Dragons," "Klingon" and "Kardashians" were also found on people's resumes. She said many companies want to find cultural fit, and they want job-seekers to tell about themselves on resumes so they know who will jive well with the team.
This, she said, has prompted people to stare at their computer screens and really figure out what hobbies might impress a prospective employer.
But Morris said people need to know their audiences. So for example, if someone is applying for a job where the company says it has monthly board game gatherings, then putting "Dungeons and Dragons" down on the resume as an interest is fitting. If a person is applying for a job writing for entertainment, jotting the word "Kardashians" on the resume may not be as inappropriate as it first appears.
"I would recommend you look at the job posting and really look at what they're looking for. Your resume should be a response to the job posting and customize," Morris said. Not just any company will be impressed you know Klingon.
Don't make one mass resume either, advised Morris. Not every job is the same in every field. Companies are going to value certain skills and experiences above others. Think about how to best present your skills for each job you apply to, especially if it's the dream job you've always wanted.
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