‘Out of the Park Baseball 22’—The ultimate baseball geek game (Opinion)
Once upon a time, when you watched baseball, like when you went to the game with your father or grandfather, you bought a book and "scored" the game.
Now it's gotten so much bigger than that. For the ultimate baseball geek who wants to be involved in every aspect of his team, we have the new edition of Out of the Park Baseball 22.
The baseball strategy game is now in its 22nd year and each year it gets better than the last.
This year developer Richard Grisham, who lives in Columbus, told me in an email exchange: "We've added brand new 3D stadiums for every major league team built from the ground up completely redone and looks remarkable. It's like going from black and white TV straight to a high def, skipping the whole color TV generation."
What's different about Out of the Park Baseball?
"Out of the Park Baseball is a strategy game," Grisham continued. "It's not about how quickly you can press buttons, so part of the strategy of managing an organization is the coaching staff, so we've added more coaches."
Out of the Park Baseball 22 is a great way if you're a dad to introduce your sons and daughters to the grand old game, as they get to build their favorite team from the ground up. They can do the things or make the trades that they've always dreamed of or heard about on sports talk radio. They can even bring back players from the past and add them to their current team.
In fact, with Out of the Park Baseball 22, you can settle the GOAT arguments of who could have played in all eras, as well as how yesterday's players would have done if they played today and vice versa.
"Just a few weeks ago," Grisham said, "the Chicago White Sox did a 'Dream Bracket' where they took all the different teams of all the eras and had a March Madness-style tournament."
Grisham issued this challenge to the Phillies.
"If you guys are interested in doing your own dream bracket, we can do a scientific solution, we can take any teams that you want in the Phillies history and we can run a thousand simulations of all the matchups and we can absolutely determine which is the best Phillies team of all time based upon whatever era you want them to play in."
I can hear the father-son arguments as I write this.
And this is what I love about Out of the Park Baseball 22, you don’t have to be good at video games, you just have to love baseball. Out of the Park Baseball 22 is an MLB simulation game where you build your franchise. How do you want to run it? Go heavy with free agents? Go young? Go with international players?
No matter what you do, Out of the Park Baseball 22 is user-friendly and fun, but it doesn’t skimp on the depth of the experience or its authenticity. It’s done deep simulations for MLB (including the popular MLB Dream Bracket last spring), FiveThirtyEight.com, The Athletic, and MLB Network. Honestly, it’s like fantasy baseball on a much larger scale with almost endless possibilities.
To get Out of the Park Baseball 2022 click here.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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