No one needed to see this creepy thing in the NJ101.5 parking lot
WARNING: Do not scroll down if you're squeamish.
My working theory on how the creepy thing appeared suddenly in the station’s parking lot has to do with the construction that happened across the street. As far as creepy things go, it’s a matter of opinion.
To me, there are far creepier things. I once saw the remnants of what looked like an animal sacrifice with the carcass surrounded by a semi-circle of burned-out candles and a pentagram drawn.
Another time I walked right by a dead man who had frozen to death overnight in a sitting position with eyes open and I didn’t even realize he was dead.
So this other dead thing that popped up in our work parking lot wasn’t nearly that level of creepy. But to some who are squeamish, it could be creepy enough.
If you find mice unsettling, how about coming across a dead one?
I was heading to my car when I came across this. It was oddly out in the wide open.
Taking a deeper look I wasn’t entirely sure it was even dead at first. It didn’t seem maimed or mangled.
I wondered if it just chose an incredibly un-mouselike place to sleep.
I thought if I got some gloves and went to touch this thing, would it suddenly wake and scurry up my arm? THEN I’d find it creepy.
It was odd how it wasn’t near a curb or bushes or anywhere that mice like to stick close by for cover. Who knows what it died from?
But maybe with the last of its energy, it was trying to seek something out and it ended right there by all our cars and in very open space.
Now I knew it would freak certain other co-workers out to step from their cars and be surprised by this thing. So I knew I had to get rid of it.
I’ve seen enough “Sopranos” episodes to know when a body needs to be, eh, taken care of. So I popped open the lift gate on my SUV and looked around to see what I might have that I could use.
Luckily I don’t keep the cleanest car, and quite a while ago I needed some large, padded mailing envelopes. I overbought by two, and wouldn’t you know they were still there buried in the back of my truck.
I opened one up to make what amounted to a body bag. The other I kept flat as that flat one was to be my broom of sorts.
I used that flat envelope to roll the dead mouse toward the opening of the other envelope. After a couple of awkward dead flops, I got it pretty smoothly inside the envelope.
More of a bag really as these were about 9 by 11 inches. If you look really close to the very bottom of this morbid pouch you’ll make out the underbelly of this dead little cutie.
Around the corner, I went, down the alley, behind the radio station, to our dumpsters. It was a brief ceremony. Dignified but succinct.
Okay, who am I kidding this was a stupid mouse. I just threw it in the dumpster and was fine with it other than washing my hands when I went inside.
So I got rid of my first body. Did I feel a little like Paulie Walnuts taking care of the Russian in the Pine Barrens episode?
Well, no. Paulie lost the Russian actually. Okay so maybe I felt more like Joe Pesci digging the hole for Spider. What, you think it’s the first hole I dug? Where are the shovels?
RIP mousey.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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