NJ’s funniest mother explains your school’s plan (Video)
Our friend and colleague Dena Blizzard is One Funny Mother. That's her brand and the name of her stage show. You may have seen one of her viral videos like Chardonnay Go, a take off of Pokémon Go, which got millions of views and sparked a board game and a trip to Chardonnay, France for Dena and her family. Ah, the power of social media and the internet, AND tremendous talents like Dena's.
This one should get even more views than her others. She so perfectly describes and depicts the insanity of all of the nearly 400 back to school plans submitted to the State Department of Education. If you're a parent, teacher or anyone who's been paying attention to the absolute insanity of what's happened her in New Jersey this summer regarding starting this school year.
In any system run by over 600 local government bureaucracies, under the auspices of a massive, bloated state bureaucracy, governed by the most powerful public union in the state, maybe the country, you're bound to have disastrous results. First school was going to be in person, then not, then partial, then teachers started taking leaves of absence. You gotta feel badly for many of the teachers that just want to get back to doing what they love to do. But you have to really feel bad for parents who have taken survey after survey and seen revision after revision to the coming school year's plans. Dena nailed the insanity of it all and performed it with expert skill...as always.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.