NJ faith leaders are critical to saving our state (Opinion)
I had a great opportunity to speak to a gathering of more than 900 pastors and their families on Tuesday night just outside of Washington, D.C.
After a strong introduction by my friend Phil Rizzo following a powerful message from several speakers, including Independent Baptist Church leader Pastor Michael Creed, I was welcomed to address the assembled.
My message is simple. We are not being told the truth by the mainstream media or politicians in Trenton and Washington. The goal of the media is to drive clicks for profit and the goal of politicians is simply to win re-election.
The lack of principled, courageous leadership has led us down the path of spiking cost of living for average families, an open border dominated by criminals and cartel militants, modern-day slavery, crumbling infrastructure, and a crisis among our children and families leading to out-of-control addiction and unchecked mental anguish.
The bedrock of our society is the nuclear family. A family where parents are empowered to raise their children with a moral code based on a belief in God and an appreciation for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our Founder actually did know what they were doing.
Too many people today want to tear down our national identity, mock people of faith, and separate kids from the nurturing and critical protection of families. The truth is that America is a moral nation. We are a nation of mostly good people who will go out of their way to help others.
Sadly, when it comes to the current crisis on our southern border, the evil savages running the cartels know this. They are using our morality against us. When the cartel crossers left an 18-month-old baby on a sand bar in the middle of the Rio Grande River, they knew that the border patrol and Texas DPW troopers would save the baby, thereby breaking their cover which allowed dozens of migrants to cross unchecked.
SEE MORE: Disturbing images from the border: Spadea's brush with the cartel
We need to get control of our future, protect our communities from the crush on our local infrastructure, and the spiking financial burden on taxpayers to cover housing, education, medical, and legal assistants for millions of illegals who have poured through the border since Biden got elected. Perhaps most importantly, protect our neighborhoods from rising crime and our nation from a militarized threat building along the Texas-Mexico border.
The solution starts in our families and in our faith communities. I was honored to be invited to address the assembled leaders and their families. Help is certainly on the way and we are just getting started.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own.
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