Everyone seemingly has that dream when you're younger where you think you're going to marry the perfect person. We think they're just going to fall into our lap and life is going to end with the perfect happily ever after.

Spoiler alert! More often than not, that's not the case.

Let's face it, it can be hard to meet people and connect with them, especially if you're not the type of person who wants to go out to bars and actively seek out someone for a date.

And even those who do enjoy that might not find their knight in shining armor.


So what do you do when you struggle to find love? Well, in a lot of cases, you turn to dating apps. And unfortunately, we here in New Jersey don't tend to have much luck.

According to a study by The Matchmaking Company one out of every 10 New Jersey residents on dating apps almost never match with anyone. Yes, you read that right. And yes, if it seems insane, that's because it is.


Not like they only get occasional matches, or one every few months, they don't get any matches at all. We're a tough crowd, aren't we Jersey?

On average, New Jersey swipers go through 15 profiles before swiping right.

Here is the criteria New Jersey swipers use most often when on dating apps:

An attractive appearance, an interesting profile, and shared interests. The biggest deal breaker was not finding the person attractive.


All of those seemingly check out. There has to be some level of physical attraction. Shared interests are a big factor, especially early in a relationship. As far as the interesting profile goes, let's chalk that up to showing some sort of the person's personality online.

The biggest kicker of all? 

Half of NJ respondents to the survey done by The Matchmaker Company said they rarely met people that they matched with. Only eight percent of people said they met most of their matches.

What are we doing Jersey?! Some people struggle to get any matches at all, the least we can do is actually meet the person we match with.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kyle Clark. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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