Giving blood is fairly easy to do.  With the state's supply at a critically low level, State Health and Senior Services Commissioner Mary O'Dowd is calling on all New Jerseyans who are able to donate.  Nine out of ten people will need blood at some point in their lives and currently, hospitals across the state have less than a two day supply.

January is typically the month when the blood supply is at its lowest.  Sixty percent of adults in the Garden State are eligible to donate and only 3.6 percent actually do.  New Jersey is one of the few states that has to import blood to handle shortages.  The idea is to increase the number of donors to give the state a self-sustaining supply.

So, what can you do?  How can you get started?  What can companies do to help?  Tune in to my reports with Mary O'Dowd tomorrow to find out.

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