Ideas to make masks in NJ schools fun
Now that the school year has officially started in New Jersey, one thing is definite – our kids must wear masks while inside the school building.
Hopefully in the coming months, mask mandates for all school students and staff will be lifted. Until that time, we need to do our part to make it as easy as possible for our kids. One way to do that? Make the masks fun.
Fun masks give kids a reason to want to wear them and show off to all their friends.
Check out the list below of a few we picked up for our kids to make it more enjoyable for them. Even though I'm not a fan of any students having to wear a mask, it's more fun then sending them to school wearing this...
Now, let's get creative.
Ideas to make masks in NJ schools fun
And yes, I know some of you complain about mask wearing in our schools. I get it.
But remember, we're not the only state mandating masks for our teachers and students. At least there are other things about living here in New Jersey that we have little to no reason to complain about.