Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2020 — Reimagined, but I’ll take it
I was looking through the news the other day and saw that this year’s Thanksgiving Day Parade was formally cancelled BUT that Macy’s and the city of New York have put a new plan together for the big Thanksgiving tradition for this year.
It has officially been “reimagined.” Reimagined? What’s that? Will we sit in front of our blank TV’s and imagine that there are floats, bands and Santa? Will we imagine Al Roker in some silly hat saying how cold he is? If we’re going to reimagine on Thanksgiving, I want to reimagine that I’m thin and I need to eat a big Thanksgiving dinner to satisfy my ferocious appetite.
Ok I’m kidding but Macy’s really has put together a “reimagined” Thanksgiving Day parade that Mayor DeBlasio said “Is not going to look at all, of course, like what we are used to, but the important thing is that traditions will be kept in some way." Well how can you keep a tradition that will look like nothing what we are used to?
The Thanksgiving Parade first started in 1924 and with the exception of not having the parade during the World War II years, has been a big tradition every year. Over 3.5 million spectators lined up and packed the 2.5 mile route. The parade contained over 8,000 participants including performers, marching bands, dancers and more.
This year the Macy’s Reimagined Parade will have 75% less participants. Local high school and college bands have been pushed back to the 2021 Thanksgiving Day Parade. Instead of the 2.5 mile parade route the “parade” will be held around Herald Square in Midtown and will be televised from there with no spectators allowed.
There will be some of the traditional big balloon characters and instead of guiding them through the city streets with people in jumpsuits hanging on to the guide wires for dear life, the floats will be pulled by vehicles. There will be performances by actors from four of Broadway's shut down musicals and other musical performances will be by professional musicians.
It will be televised as it always is and can be seen at 9:00 am until noon. I always like having the parade on as my niece and her family sit around and love the entertainment of the parade. I enjoy the parade too. The turkey is in the oven and smells great, I light the fireplace, have a cup of coffee and may add a Bloody Mary; it’s the start of a great tradition and the start of a great day.
I realize I’m a little critical in the reorganization of the parade and I shouldn’t be because Macy’s is doing what they can to hold on to a tradition in these pandemic times. I’m just frustrated that this virus continues to affect many of our cherished traditions and way of life. This year the parade will be on my TV but my niece, her husband and the kids won’t be in front of it. They live out of state and the threat of the virus is too much to chance. Oh how I imagine a traditional Thanksgiving. I hope yours is a great one!