Tonight we'll talk about if you've ever seen anyone go "pazz'' in a fit of 'roid rage...this after a guy in a gym died after cops had to use tasers to subdue him having had a fit of what appeared to be 'roid rage.

There are also a couple of stories out of South Jersey where robbers seem to be getting more brazen, and what you'd do if one ever breaks into your home.

The "Boss Hogg" syndrome....some South Jersey mayors seem to not have a problem flaunting the law.

A skirt pulling incident in Hoboken causes a group of women to "get into it" with each other. When is it prudent to mind your own business?

Powerball jackpot is up to 245 million dollars...where do you buy your lottery tickets, and how's your luck been lately. I also have the best and worst zip codes for lottery winners.

Plus many more items on the docket too numerous to mention!

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