Kim Guadagno’s first ad
Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno wants you to know New Jersey can do better. Apparently better than the last 7 years under her and her boss Governor Christie. Check out her first ad as she runs for the top spot. We learn from the ad that taxes aren't good. We also learn that she has children. And a cell phone. And that she has given her cell phone number out to people because she wants to make New Jersey better.
In other words we learned nothing from this ad other than that she wants to be governor. So I went to her website and learned she wants to cut property taxes but doesn't offer a way to do it. I also learned she wants to improve education without any explanation of how she'll pay for it. Are you picking up yet that I'm a little cynical?
Kim Guadagno has a tough challenge using the angle that we can do better than an administration in which she was second in command. In a speech at La Playa restaurant in Keansburg Tuesday she tried desperately to distance herself from a governor with an approval rating almost as bad as Florio's. She pointed out when doing state business she is always using a car and not a helicopter, an obvious dig at Christie and the heat he took over using a helicopter to attend one of his children's sporting events. She went against Christie's desire to spend $300 million on a Statehouse renovation saying, "We simply do not have the money to turn the Statehouse into the Palace of Versailles." And in gearing up for this big day she stood up against the gas tax increase and the associated ballot question. All of this of course is calculated. Just as calculated as her 7 years of silence under the Christie administration. We are just supposed to forget about all that now though, as if her 7 years of ribbon cutting and telling the naked emperor what nice clothes he had never happened.
Look, it's not Guadagno per se. I'm just at the point that I trust no politician. As for her ad, I would say that it could have been 'better.'
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