Join the fight against NJ schools sexualizing grade school kids (Opinion)
After a few weeks of pushing the issue of protecting kids locally, the fight in New Jersey to protect parents' rights is getting national attention.
In an article posted over the weekend in the New York Post, writer Karol Markowicz discusses the media outcry over the Florida law that bars gender transition and sexual orientation discussion from K through 3rd-grade classrooms. She calls out the media for pushing back against parents who are standing up to fight back and explains that the fight is justifiable. Here's a quote from the article:
"But there is a very justifiable reason: Parents want to protect their small children from inappropriate lessons on sexuality, whether straight or gay. More important, parents know that the idea of gender flexibility is being pushed on their ever-younger kids. The notion that it’s not is pure gaslighting, and the New Jersey guidelines are just more evidence of that.
Parents have watched society change around them to what the insane left has demanded. They know it’s happening. They will fight against it being foisted on their kids."
This story of Gov. Murphy and the Democratic Majority's attempt to sexualize the grade school curriculum first came to light because of the fact-based reporting from my friend Matt Rooney when he reported it on his Save Jersey website as the eyes of the parental rights movement is set on the battle taking place in the Garden State.
If you have been listening to the show, you know that I took the story and ran with it, interviewing legislators and stakeholders leading the charge to fight back for parents and kids.
Along with my friends and partners in the Common Sense Club, we also took the lead with parents, local grassroots organizations and legislators launching the Parental Bill of Rights.
In the articles on my show website, links are included for parents to become Citizen Signers of the Parental Bill of Rights. In just six days, we generated more than SIX THOUSAND letters to legislators showing support for the bill. You can become a signer HERE.
The fringe left decried the law that they purposefully labeled "Don't Say Gay" as a way of garnering opposition to Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislators. Looks like that plan has backfired with parents rising up in states like New Jersey saying that there is no good reason to sexualize studies for kids as young as 5.
What's interesting to me as a student of politics is why the Democrats have made this issue a centerpiece of their attempt to hold onto the majority in Congress with the midterm elections looming.
Normalizing porn for grade school kids?
Normalizing gender confusion for kindergarten kids with statements like this:
“You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘girl’ parts. You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘boy’ parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!”
This is simply too far and too radical for most parents.
From my perspective, this is clearly because the Democrats need something to distract away from the failures of the current administration and their shills in Congress. The Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine diplomatic debacle, spiking gas prices, the rising cost of food, empty markets and general dissatisfaction with the direction of the country doesn't bode well for the incumbent Democrats.
That said, it's not enough to simply vote against a candidate. You need to vote for a candidate who has a track record of supporting parents and small businesses. The GOP can become a true populist opposition party to the incumbent majority. The GOP can rise to the occasion and stand up for parents, small businesses, and regular people. And you can be a part of this change.
If you agree with me and want to oppose the sexualizing of grade school kids, then join me. If you are currently registered as an "Unaffiliated" voter you can simply show up on Election Day, June 7, and vote in the GOP primary. If you don't want to stay a Republican, you can switch back by using this form.
You can also have your voice heard by joining me at our first annual A Seat At the Table conference taking place in Somerset on Thursday. April 28. Register HERE.
Keep the faith and the fight. We are just gettin' started.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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