Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to get out of the office or your home desk and treat yourself to an extra-long lunch.

In Buffalo, there is no shortage of great food and incredible spots to grab lunch with co-workers and friends. After all, it's better than scarfing down a sandwich at your desk. Besides, everyone knows that the best cure for a workday slump isn’t more coffee - it’s one of your fellow co-workers asking,  “Where are we going for lunch?”

Buffalo Is One Of The Best Cities To Grab Lunch

Going out for a Buffalo lunch has tons of benefits.

  • If you’re cooped up in the office all day, going out to lunch might be the only time that you get to enjoy the summer sunshine.  
  • It’s a great way to bond with co-workers you don’t know well or don’t see very often.  
  • It’s a perfect time for a quick catch-up with a good friend who has a busy schedule.
  • It’s a great excuse to get out of the office and procrastinate on a project. (It’s okay. We’ve all done it.)

The Best Lunch Spots in Buffalo, New York?

Buffalo reddit user u/Gstone716 recently asked, “What’s your favorite lunch spot in the Buffalo area?” 

I’m looking for new lunch spots in the Buffalo area -  doesn’t have to be exactly downtown.”

Buffalo food enthusiasts delivered, eagerly naming all kinds of great lunchtime spots,  from hole-in-the-wall diners to fancy restaurants to have a martini lunch (just try to stick to one if you’re heading back to the office).

Vegetarian, barbeque, sushi, sandwiches - there are dozens of delicious Buffalo lunch spots in every neighborhood to please anyone. You could try a new place every week!

Here are 19 of the Best Lunch Spots to Visit In Buffalo to get you started.

The 20 Best Spots To Grab Lunch In Buffalo, New York

These popular Buffalo-area restaurants are worth playing hooky from work for.

Gallery Credit: Facebook/Yelp/Instagram/Canva

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