HomeFront Run/Walk for Hope with New Jersey 101.5
"HomeFront" is a Mercer County-based charity that you need to know about!
They raise funds to help homeless and at-risk youth all year long through their "Joy, Hopes and Dreams" programs...and their big event is an annual summer camp...that combines academics with summer camp fun, in a warm, friendly and caring environment!
This morning, HomeFront "ran" their annual "Run/Walk for Hope" at Educational Testing Service (ETS) in Princeton!
Runners started showing up to register at about 9am...
...and at that very moment...
..."Mother Nature" decides to make her presence known...as it starts to RAIN.
But, that doesn't dampen turnout...or ENTHUSIASM!
After signing in...don't forget to...
...get your "Run/Walk for Hope" t-shirt!
More and more runners arrive...
...despite the light rain!
Did I mention that...
...New Jersey 101.5 is represented?!
As are local schools and businesses...fielding teams of runners for the cause!
After welcoming the runners...thanking the many sponsors that make the run possible...and giving general directions...I hand the runners over to Carol...
...who helps them to...
...limber up...
...and get ready for the BIG run!
Which is set to start...
...promptly at 10am!
Did I mention that the light rains stops...just in time for the 5 K and 1 mile Run/Walk?
Of course it does! Even Mother Nature appreciates everyone's dedication to the kids!
5 K Runners....are you READY?!
This is what you've come to ETS to do!
And once the 5 K runners are on their way...
It's time for the 1 Mile runners...
...to do their thing, too!
It's a great....race to the finish!
Thanks to Heather and Donna and all the nice people involved with HomeFront's "Run/Walk for Hope!"
And, thank you for inviting New Jersey 101.5 be a part of your day!
For more about "HomeFront" and all the good things that they do for the community, click here for their official website!
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