Hate going to the office? New Jersey is the state for you
For some people, working from home is just pipe dream, while for others, it’s the way they live every day or at least, a few days a week.
Now comes a study that says if you want to work from home, New Jersey is the best of all 50 states for it.
According to Walllethub, they compared states based on the size and density of homes, the share of remote workers, internet costs, cybersecurity and other factors.
The metrics are assigned to two broad categories:
Work Environment, which includes things like share of workers working from home, share of potential telecommuters, access to high-speed broadband internet, and cybersecurity.
Living Environment, which includes retail cost of electricity, low-speed internet access, square footage per average number of persons in a household, share of detached housing units, and others.
So what makes New Jersey so special for working from home? We rank No. 2 for work environment (DC is NO. 1), and 13th for living environment (Utah is No. 1).
We did well for both internet access and cost of internet connectivity.
At the other end of the spectrum, Alaska ranks last, coming in at No. 51 in work environment and 47th in living environment.
READ MORE: Here are 50 ways you can improve your work from home lifestyle
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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