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TRENTON —The State Agriculture Department has officially rolled out their Jersey Fresh website: FindJerseyFresh.com.
Agriculture Secretary Doug Fisher says it is everything you always wanted to know about Jersey Fresh and the state's agriculture.
"It will tell them where to find it, how to get there, and what crop. Just ask, 'Where can I get strawberries?' 'Where can I get hay?' 'Where can I get gourds? straw?' Whatever it is."
And Fisher says it's not just about produce. There are guides to agritourism, wineries and distilleries in New Jersey.
The site will include considerable input from Jersey farmers and agribusinesses.
"Our farmers will be phoning in the events and special occasion events or ongoing events that happen on their particular farm and it is really sort of a universal opportunity for people to really go out there and find Jersey Fresh," he said.
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Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5
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