Facebook and marriage: A dangerous combination?
The argument could easily be made that Facebook is playing a role in destroying marriages every single day. Research has shown the social network is now cited in one-third of all divorce cases.
It's unknown, however, whether Facebook is the direct cause of splitting spouses apart, or if the people who have always been unhappy just have an easier outlet for other romantic options.
Bari Weinberger, a divorce and family lawyer in New Jersey, said she never could have predicted what a massive impact Facebook would have on her daily practice.
"It's truly mind-blowing," she said, noting clients come to her with printed proof that their spouse has been unfaithful or at least hinted at the idea.
It's natural, she said, for one to be interested in the lives of people with whom they had a relationship, but a problem presents itself when one's present marriage is going downhill and, due to the magic of Facebook, someone else is just a click away.
Weinberger's thoughts were echoed by Dr. Marty Tashman, a marriage and family counselor with offices throughout the state.
"When people are discontent with their relationship, they start to look to old relationships," Tashman said. "As far back as a 30 or 40 year old looking at somebody that they were close to in high school."
He noted Facebook has become the go-to spot for many spouses who believe their partner is being unfaithful.
According to Tashman, one may want to reevaluate their current relationship if they find themselves chatting less with their spouse than with someone on Facebook, and if they find themselves embarrassed by the things they write to someone who's not their legal partner.
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