A few days ago, a Facebook friend of mine sends me a link to a Youtube video and an online petition that a friend of his sent him regarding secession from the United States.

He thought it would make a good topic for the show.

I looked it over and told him it looked loony.

I guess loony is catching, because it turns out we are one of 30 states with petitions to the White House to secede from the Union and our petition alone has around 12 thousand signatures on it.

For it to garner a response from the White House, it would had to have garnered 25 thousand.

A petition created by the We the People tool at petitions.Whitehouse.gov asks the Obama Administration to:

“Peacefully grant the State of New Jersey to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.”

The petition was created on Saturday, Nov. 10, by “joe r” of Sewell. As of Wednesday, Nov. 14, the petition had about 12,000 signatures. The petition needs 25,000 signatures by Dec. 10 in order to get a response from the White House, according to the website.

New Jersey is just one of 30 states with petitions asking for permission to secede. Other states include New York, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Utah and Missouri.

In response to some of the petitions, several people have created their own requests. Some ask that those who sign the petitions to secede have their citizenship revoked.

Another request asks that states that secede pay their fair share of the national debt before doing so and become ineligible for any federal assistance in the future.

"Residents of all states who wish to secede from the union should be required to take their own advice about 'personal responsibility', and pay their share of the national debt before being released to fend for themselves," it said.

Hmmm, so let’s see…12 thousand signatures in the bank, 13 thousand to go.

See, but it doesn’t end there.

For the longest time we’ve had discussions on whether North Jersey and South Jersey should become separate states with 195 as the DMZ!

Then once that happens, maybe we can divide ourselves up into area code subdivisions…the land of the 732; 609 Valley; 973 Hills; and of course the duchy of 201. (Sorry, I didn’t mean to leave out 908 or 856.)

Where does the madness end?

So this makes me wonder, what’s all the fuss?

Is this nothing more than sour grapes because of the outcome of the election? I guess we’re not really too fond of that “e pluribus unum” thing!

Do you really want to see New Jersey to secede from the United States of America?


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