The Better Business Bureau is issuing a warning for people who have already received their COVID vaccination. When you get your shot, you are given a card to show that you were vaccinated. It will have your full name, birthdate and other information. People have been taking photos of their cards and posting them on their social media.

The BBB is sharing that scammers in Great Britain have been caught using this personal information and selling fraudulent vaccination cards. And who knows what else they might end up doing with your information? They say it's only a matter of time before this scam is picked up in the United States.

I never understood why people want to post certain things, like pictures of their I VOTED stickers or their penne vodka meal. So posting a picture of a card letting the world know you got a COVID shot is equally perplexing to me. Would we not have believed you if you didn't show us evidence?

Anyway, the BBB says you should take certain precautions if you're insisting on posting some sort of vaccination proof. They say you can instead share a pic of your vaccine sticker. I suppose that's like an I VOTED sticker. Or put a frame around your profile pic. Also check your privacy configurations if you don't want all the world to see what you post and only your family and friends.

It's even pointed out that answering posts asking you to list your top 10 favorite TV shows or favorite songs can be a bad idea. Why? "Some of these 'favorite things' are commonly used passwords or security questions," according to the Better Business Bureau. Wow! Never would have thought.

If you ever want to warn others about potential scams check out

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.

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