It's that time of year again.  The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is underway.  I am running way behind where I normally am at this time of year.  I still have shopping left to do for the people on my list.  I love to give, so, of course, I try to get every possible thing I can think of because it truly makes me happy to watch the smile on the face of someone I love as they open something that they love.  It just makes me feel good inside.

But, the holidays really aren't about the material things.  As I watched my 10-year-old look up at me the other day and say, "Mommy, you get home so late.  I just miss you when you're not here."   In the days following, I happened to send a few texts to my girlfriends just to say, "Hi, how are you?"  If made me a sad to realize that I don't get to see the people I care about enough.  So, what I think will be really important for me during the holidays this year is time.  I'm looking forward to spending the time with the people I care about whether it's playing outside or driving by some really cool Christmas lights or just sitting and chatting.  Time is what I'm so looking forward to this year and if I get to watch them open a little gift from me, that's ok too.

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