Bold predictions for New Jersey
The Amazing Kreskin, yes he's still around, came on my show to talk about his off Broadway show that he's touring and talked about how he predicted the recent Facebook problems when the social network was first announced. Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time for him to make bold predictions for New Jersey, although I did ask.
If I had to make some bold predictions for New Jersey, I'd say we'll get legalized sports betting and marijuana and it won't make a bit of difference as far as cutting taxes. In fact, if you could bet the over/under on tax increases, take the over... waaaay over.
I asked you the same question and here are some of the answers you came up with...
E Jillian Brontee: "Murphy will be a one term governor and by the middle of his term, properties will be abandoned and store fronts boarded as no one in Trenton is really connected to the mess they have made for the people out here. NJ will be worse than it is now and more than likely government workers will be screwed out of their pensions because the taxpayers cannot afford what was promised to them by the Trenton swamp."
Joe Vivo: "Property values will tank as taxpayers leave"
Comic Dave Evans: "Kreskin will lose his hair and wear an awful rug"
Sam McClafferty: "Trump will be tried sent to jersey to live with Christie in house arrest"
Carlo Bellario: "In the words of Clubber Lang.....PAIN!!!!!!!!!"
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