After Executive Order 107 was penned in New Jersey by Gov. Phil Murphy — shutting down all "non-essential" businesses to the public — there were many clarifications and revisions that needed to be made. Many business owners appealed successfully to the state government to allow them to remain open.

In a victory for gun dealers, for example, those businesses are now considered essential. Likewise, breweries and brewpubs are allowed to make home deliveries.

But the governor held fast to one decision: Disallowing business as usual for one seemingly dangerous activity.

Wait for it ...


That’s right. Golf courses did not make the cut.

Recent updates to Executive Order 107 include the closing of golf courses as recreational businesses. I suppose that this is just to discourage people from leaving their homes at all. But it doesn’t seem to make sense. Rarely does a foursome stand close to each other on the golf course. And it would be very easy to be 6 or 12 feet away from the other people playing. But we’re not trusted to make those responsible choices for ourselves.

A leisurely golf game is nothing more than a walk through a really big grassy park. I’ve seen couples jogging or taking walks during this whole home isolation thing — a foot or two away from each other. And if I’m allowed — and even encouraged — to go outside and get some air every once in a while, does it really make a difference if I’m carrying golf clubs and meeting three people on the course?

I get it, some people are sick and some people are dying. But how many lives do you think will be saved by banning golf? Is it just me? Or are they starting to really dig for danger? Are they starting to enjoy banning stuff?

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