Back To The Future Day, the horrible PARCC results and more on ‘D&D Today’
Here is what Deminski and Doyle are talking about on today’s show.
What do you think about workers speaking abother language on the job? Even if they speak English to you but then go right back to a foreign language to their co-workers.
In honor of Back To The Future Day, a meme is going around pointing out that after this week, everything in Back To The Future will have happened in the past. What makes you feel old?
What are some examples of technology that became extinct in your lifetime?
The legislation to stop red shirting is now formally introduced. Is red shirting cheating, should it be illegal, and do you know anyone who's done it?
The PARCC results are in and they are very bad. As a parent, do these results concern you? What about if you're a teacher?
What are your kids not allowed to wear to school for Halloween?
Have something to say about what Jeff and Bill are talking about today? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.
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