An ice cream truck you can order to come to your house
Eric Murphy has a business concept I would invest in in a heartbeat. What if there were an ice cream truck you didn’t have to listen for and make a mad dash outside to catch in time when it hit your street? What if instead you could request it come straight to your door?
Meet the high tech business model that will make the old fashioned ice cream truck seem like the horse and wagon.
It’s called the Scream Truck. (As in I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream?)
You register your phone number and address on their website and you’ll get a text with the approximate time the truck will hit your street. Then if you reply yes your address goes into a routing software system. That pieces together the most efficient, linear route for the driver and the customer gets an alert 10 minutes before the truck pulls up right in front of your door.
This is genius. And you don’t have to listen out for that annoying Turkey In The Straw song! Honestly, how do they sleep at night?
In addition, Murphy tells NJ.com while you can get all the normal ice cream truck fare he’s also including higher end ingredients for a more delicious, premium sundae for a more adult palate. The trucks will be as high tech as the business model with 4K LED screens on the exterior and a Bose sound system.
Taking Care of Business: Wednesday at 7 p.m., Eric Scott leads a discussion on how to support businesses — and how they can keep you safe as they reopen in the pandemic. Listen on New Jersey 101.5 FM, the NJ 101.5 app or NJ1015.com, and join the discussion in real time at Facebook.com/NJ1015.
Murphy is going to be testing the system mid August in Westfield but hopes to expand the business to an eventual fleet of trucks and maybe even a franchise situation.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.
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