400,000 expected for the Atlantic City Airshow Wednesday
The Air Force Thunderbirds will join a host of stunt and vintage airplane flyers and events in Atlantic City Wednesday for the 15th Atlantic City Airshow.
Greater Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce President Joe Kelly said last year, airshow attendance was around 400,000, making it the largest midweek east coast air show.
"I emphasize midweek because we are always the business side of it, trying to drive business midweek. Hopefully they stay throughout the week," he said.
Kelly said the show has a $26 million economic impact on the Shore area.
"We have the best demonstration pilots, really in the country, if not the world," he said.
New this year will be a MIG 17. GEICO "Skytypers" have become a big part of the show, and they will be back again.
He also advises visitors to treat the show as a, "beach day."
"Stay hydrated, and that means stay protected from the sun," Kelly said.
The show will be in the AC skies from 11:30 to 4 pm Wednesday.
Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5.
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