Zombies Coming To New Jersey
If you're a fan of 'The Walking Dead', if you have a 'thing' for zombies, Asbury Park needs you. They're asking for as many people as possible to show up in full zombie make up and costume for this year's Zombie Walk on October 5th. Apparently, New Jersey has lost it's world recordfor biggest zombie walk of all time and this year they're trying to reclaim the title with the Guinness Book Of World Records. So see? This isn't silly kid stuff after all! They've been doing this since 2008 and every years the event has tripled in size. Here's where you can read more about how to participate.
I saw one of these zombie walks once, but not in New Jersey. It was in Royal Oak, MI. What was particular funny about it was I heard it was going to be happening that evening, but the friends I was with didn't, and I said nothing about it on purpose. We went to a bar and I made sure we picked a table right up against a window looking out on the street. Sure enough, my buddies flipped out a little bit when out of nowhere what truly looked like the living dead were suddenly there on the other side of the glass, mouths gaping, hungry for brains, banging on the window. I had a good laugh.
What's a little freaky at these zombie walks is when you see little kids taking part in it with their families. I've seen children who looked as young as five wandering with their zombie families in full dead make up and really playing up the part. I was into it as a kid because for some strange reason my father took me to see 'Night Of The Living Dead' when I was only 4 years old. Yeah, yeah, I know. Not bright. But I was into milder horror movies and as frightened as I was, I didn't have nightmares and it did serve to make me a lifelong zombie fan. I guess there are plenty of others out there like me.
What must look very funny is when after the zombie walk all these participants hit the bars and restaurants still in full make up but acting normally. Like one big Halloween party where everyone thought of the same costume.
For all of the information you need on Asbury Park's 2013 Zombie Walk, click here.
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