….to borrow a line from Jeff Foxworthy with my own unique Erasmo twist.

A “cafone”…someone who tills the land, of "ill breeding"...or the Jersey equivalent of a redneck.

Yes indeed…if you park your car on the grass in front of your house, you qualify!

Well now the tony town of Palmyra will be doing something about it.

They’ll fine your butt!

Enough people complained to town officials that they’ve decided to pass an ordinance prohibiting, among other things, parking on the grass, how wide your driveway should be, how it should be paved; etc…all in the name of aesthetics.

I always thought that neighbor peer pressure would be the better way to deal with this…not the involvement of some governmental entity!

Form a committee of 3 or 4 “concerned” citizens, and approach the offending family to engage in reasonable discourse. Express your concerns as to how it makes the neighborhood look, especially since one day you may want to sell your house at a reasonable price to get as far away as possible from the “cafone” contingent!

You might be surprised at the reaction.

“Gee, I didn’t know that my parking habits were such a nuisance….I’ll do something right away to alleviate the problem.”

There, problem solved, right?

And should that not work, you might want to try the Tom Hagen approach.

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