What are they thinking? NJ lawmakers replace JFK with ‘Kimchi Day’
We hear about resolutions and bills often coming out of Trenton to designate days in honor of birds, fruits, and certain foods. It's typically ignored by the general public. Unless you are directly involved, it really doesn't matter that the Legislature is designating a day to empower a specific constituency.
What's worse is all the lemmings on both sides of the political aisle who go along with the nonsense.
Not one person had the guts to stand with Brian Bergen. Not one pointed out that the 22nd of November already had historical significance. It's the day that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated.
Given the fact that released documents are fueling speculation that the U.S. government knew a lot more about the assassination than previously disclosed, makes the designation even more inappropriate. But regardless of what we learn about the assassination over the next few months and years, to essentially replace the day with "Kimchi Day" is beyond the pale.
The real objection is twofold. First, it's expensive to get a resolution passed in the Legislature, and second, there are at least a few more pressing needs that the politicians in Trenton should be tackling.
No movement on Billy Crays Law, but Kimchi Day? No movement on Emma's Law, but Kimchi Day?
No movement on the highest in the nation corporate business tax, but Kimchi Day?
No budgeting for our natural gas infrastructure or repairing the hundreds of bridges that are structurally deficient, but Kimchi Day?
When you are told to blindly support a new majority in Trenton, keep in mind that the candidates who will make up that majority matter. If you are an unaffiliated voter, join me in voting during the Republican primary.
Let's not settle for adequate. Leaders like Brian Bergen need a few more colleagues with an ounce of guts.
The Democrats have failed to help New Jersey for the past twenty years in the majority. A change in party is important, but it's the people who will get elected to represent you who matter.
Let's hold them to a higher standard. Bergen or Kimchi?
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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