We might never live to see the day that gay marriage is made legal here in NJ.

However, those proponents, of which I am one, will not give up; and that's a good thing!  Without getting into the "morality" of gays living together as married partners, I ask this question as a happily married man of 32 years.

What's more ruinous to the institution of marriage than the number of divorces that take place in this country every day...or the number of annulments that are granted, for a hefty fee-mind you,  by those very sacred institutions who decry gay marriage!  There was a country song I played sometime ago by Michael Martin Murphy (he of "Wildfire" fame) that had the title, "What's Forever For". 

True that!

As my grandmother would say in her customary Neapolitan, ".....nu' ma fa' reir"! (Don't make me laugh!)

Is there anything worse that devalues the institution of marriage than the recent Kim Kardashian debacle?

Like the sages of the West Brighton Projects on Staten Island, Wu-Tang Clan said back in the day: "Cash Rules Everything Around Me, Cream, get the money...dolla' dolla' bill y'all!

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