Ever done this or had it done to you? You pass by a neighbor's trash can and toss a coffee cup or banana peel into it? In the state of New Jersey, is it illegal?
Since taxpayers are more often than not on the hook for cleanup costs, those found guilty of dumping would be liable to the owner of the property where they left their trash for three times the cost of damages, cleanup and other fees.
Among the other findings that made Clean Ocean Action's "Roster of the Ridiculous" were a kitty litter scoop, cocktail shaker, AirPods, a foam Halloween tombstone, and a New Year's Eve party hat.
Two New Jersey Eagle Scouts, now adults, are at the forefront the Central Jersey Stream Team, which enlists volunteers to help clear trash out of the Raritan River in Somerset County.
The major trash pickup in Roosevelt was this morning which means people spent the weekend driving around the town looking and hoping someone would throw something out of value. There were couches, old furniture, broken appliances and lots of stuff that made you think you were in a seventies graveyard. Yet people were coming with pickup trucks taking the stuff and acting like they found gold.