property taxes

Bring Out Your Resolutions
Bring Out Your Resolutions
Bring Out Your Resolutions
While many are jotting down resolutions to lose weight and find true love, New Jersey residents hope the state follows through with a few of its own resolutions for 2014.
What Concerns NJ Residents?
What Concerns NJ Residents?
What Concerns NJ Residents?
Gov. Chris Christie's high approval rating in Tuesday's Monmouth University-Asbury Park Press poll is no surprise, but this is: For the first time ever in the survey, property taxes are not at least tied for the number-one concern of New Jersey residents.
Property Tax Relief?
Property Tax Relief?
Property Tax Relief?
A growing number of New Jersey municipalities are considering the idea of putting advertisements on the sides of school buses, a move that could lower property taxes for Garden State residents.
Lower Taxes Remain A Priority
Lower Taxes Remain A Priority
Lower Taxes Remain A Priority
New Jersey Assemblyman Vinnie Prieto, who will soon take over as the Speaker of the lower house, said Thursday that his first priority is to do something about the state's highest-in-the-nation property taxes.
Blame Game
Blame Game
Blame Game
New Jersey Democratic gubernatorial candidate Sen. Barbara Buono says property taxes have gone up 20 percent since Gov. Chris Christie took office.

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