Gov. Phil Murphy and a delegation of New Jersey officials and business leaders leave Monday night for a nine-day economic mission to Germany and Israel.
Israel's military on Monday ordered a well-known Palestinian journalist to be held for four months without charges or trial, in so-called administrative detention.
Dennis & Judi are always calling out the media for being imbalanced in its coverage of national and world events. For instance, this story has been largely ignored by mainstream media, yet warrants some attention because of how close it hits to home.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a speech that stirred political controversy in two countries, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Congress on Tuesday that negotiations underway between Iran and the United States would "all but guarantee" that Tehran would get nuclear weapons, a step he said the world must avoid at all costs.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- For six years, President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been on a collision course over how to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions, a high-stakes endeavor both men see as a centerpiece of their legacies.
BEN-GURION AIRPORT, Israel (AP) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu headed to Washington on Sunday to press his case against an emerging deal on Iran's nuclear program in a contentious address to the U.S. Congress, which he said he is delivering out of concern for Israel's security.