Spadea on Trump’s lewd comments: Can we please talk about REAL issues?
Presidential candidate Donald Trump has been in the news the last few days as fallout from lewd comments he made in a 2005 interview with Billy Bush have surfaced.
Since the video surfaced, it has torn the GOP party apart with many like Paul Ryan, speaking out against Trump. On a local level here in NJ, it has definitely torn Republican leaders apart. We've had Gov. Christie state that the comments were "unacceptable" and "indefensible" but still threw his support behind Trump, Meanwhile Lt. Gov Guadagno has stated that she will not be voting for Trump after learning of those comments.
Here's the problem I have with it. All the hundreds of thousands of families that have been left out in the cold by bad policies and we're worried about an interview from 2005? It's ridiculous to have a conversation about a video with Billy Bush and Republicans pulling apart when there are real families, with real problems out there. Immigration, job creation and taxes are what should be at the forefront of this political race, not talking about the "P" word.
This is the problem, politicians what to get away with ignoring the real issues. We as voters shouldn't let them off the hook, make them accountable and hold their feet to the fire if they're not addressing our real needs.
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