Should your kindergartener be taught sex-ed? (Opinion)
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A new study from Montclair State University says yes. Their analogy is you wouldn’t wait to teach algebra in an eighth grade math class, so why would you wait until eighth grade to teach sex Ed? Or so goes the logic from the new study. What if parents don’t want concepts like that being introduced five and six-year-olds?
Isn’t it a parent's choice and/or responsibility to discuss personal issues like sexuality to their own children? The study says it should be more than just how the body works and how someone gets pregnant. School should teach them about gender equity and sexuality at an early age to reduce child abuse, homophobic bullying, and inappropriate sexual behavior when they’re teenagers.
Studies are great, it gives the over-“educated,” socially inept eggheads something to do. But when they force it down our children's throats in the name of “the common good“ it’s gone too far. We’ve taught sex-ed for over 60 years in public education in most school districts around the country. But now the “woke" and “academics" no better I want to fill your young child’s head with concepts and ideas you may not want. Too bad for you. You pay the ultra high property taxes for the system but have a little or no say in the ever increasing controversial and bizarre curriculums that seems to be growing by leaps and bounds in New Jersey each year.
Something the last year has taught many of us is that public school is a mess. Many of us have known that for quite some time but this past year has put it more into focus. I’ve never heard so many parents, including some in my own family, talk about homeschooling or private school, wanting nothing to do with sending their kids to a New Jersey public school.
However many fuel traps due to the high property taxes we pay for all of it. And with a stranglehold the NJEA has on our state it’s unlikely that situation will change anytime soon. But if more and more people see the insanity of both public and private education in some cases, more people would choose to educate their kids in a more safe and sane way. Suddenly homeschooling doesn’t seem so nutty anymore.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.