Rally to support the police this weekend in Middletown (Opinion)
As we all know this past spring and summer has been an especially tough time to be a cop. Some people around the country are calling to measures to defund the police. New York City eliminated its plain clothes division, leaving the streets of NYC a much more dangerous place to be. Video images of police being attacked and police vehicles and buildings being burned. Some police have been murdered just doing their jobs.
No one could have imagined this happening in our country just a few short months ago. Many of us have had our complaints about over zealous policing in many small New Jersey towns. Small infractions by mostly law abiding citizens taken to a higher level than we would like. But by and large, the men and women that put on a police uniform every day are hard working, dedicated people doing a job most of us couldn't do for a week.
The level of disrespect and violence toward police has been a frightening reminder that they are the only thing that separates us from lawlessness and chaos. Some concerned and appreciative citizens are organizing a rally to support the police in Governor Murphy's hometown of Middletown. The rally will take place this Sunday morning at 10am. If you're interested, the details are below from the host, Ralph Tanaka. God Bless our men and women in blue and let them know how much we appreciate and need them.
Back the Blue Rally: On July 26,2020 we will be assembling in the Stop & Shop parking lot located at 850 Hwy 35 South at 10 AM, The route to Middletown Police Headquarters is approx. 1/2 mile. After leaving the parking lot we will walk north on Highway 35 south, staying on the sidewalk the entire way. This event is a peaceful rally to show support for the men & women that sacrifice so much to keep our families & community safe.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis' own.
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