Let’s be completely honest, we’re no stranger to cursing in New Jersey. Heck, we even refer to giving the middle finger on the road as “giving the Jersey salute.”

Angry driver giving the middle finger
TSM (Canva)

We use profanity as a sign of frustration in traffic…


Windshield view of an angry driver man. Negative human emotions face expression

Or a sign of excitement:

Now that’s a great ####ing pork roll, egg, and cheese!

Either way, we in the Garden State definitely work this colorful language into our everyday vernacular.

Canva / TSM Illustration
Canva / TSM Illustration

A site called Preply set out to figure out where Americans swore the most. Do you think you can guess which New Jerseyans are the most guilty?

I’ll tell you in a second, but first, I want to share some interesting facts that came from this study.

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Canva / TSM Illustration

When it comes to cursing, these are some of the takeaways from Preply’s research:

🔴 The average respondent swears 16 times per day.
🔴 Nearly 1 in 10 Americans say they don’t swear at all.
🔴 Nearly 1 in 5 Americans say they think less of people who curse often around them.
🔴 “Crap,” “frick/ frickin’,” and “dang” are Americans’ favorite PG filler words to use in place of swearing.

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Canva / TSM Illustration

Who curses the most in New Jersey?

The guiltiest New Jerseyans when it comes to cursing are those in Jersey City.

Based on what respondents said in Preply’s study, the average number of swear words said by those in Jersey City each day is 17.50.

Psshh, Jersey City, get on my level. I have 17 curses under my belt before I even start my commute to work.

Eyyy, that’s just how we f***ing do it in Jersey!

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Canva / TSM Illustration

THAT'S SUS! Slang kids and teens now say and what the heck it means

According to a comprehensive list from yourteenmag.com, these are some of the slang words and phrases kids and teenagers are using today that some older generations might not understand.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

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Gallery Credit: Realtor.com

Glossary of NJ winter weather words and phrases

Gallery Credit: Dan Zarrow

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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