The running mates get to run the campaign this weekend while the presidential candidates retreat from the public eye to prepare for the third and final debate on Monday.

Wold Performing Arts Center at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida
Wold Performing Arts Center at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida (flickr user Lynn University)

The meeting at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla., just 15 days before the election, will focus on international affairs.

Watch the debate here starting at 9PM Monday night.

Obama is studying at Camp David, the presidential hideaway in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains. He was to remain there with advisers until Monday morning. Romney is spending the weekend in Florida with aides preparing the debate.

Romney running mate Paul Ryan plans a campaign stop in Pennsylvania today while Vice President Joe Biden was heads for St. Augustine, Fla.

While the economy has been the dominant theme of the election, foreign policy has attracted renewed media attention in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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