Starting this summer, some New Jersey residents will be able to renew their driver licenses or non-driver IDs by mail.

NJ Driver's License (NJ DMV)

The Motor Vehicle Commission announced Monday that residents born on or before Dec. 1, 1964 with licenses or other IDs expiring starting in July 2012 will be able to "skip the trip" to MVC offices.

The state says mail renewals for about one million older customers -- at least for the next several years -- will make it easier for New Jersey to make the move to a more stringent ID system required by federal law.

Residents born after Dec. 1, 1964, will be subject to the law's enforcement date of Dec. 1, 2014.

Those who can renew by mail won't be required to have new IDs until the end of 2017.

(Copyright 2012 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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