The New Jersey Supreme Court, or as a dear friend of mine has referred to them…the "robed clan of clowns"…. comes out with another decision that makes you wonder if they’d gotten their law degrees from a school off the back of a matchbook cover.

The case in question has to do with the gentlemen’s club that goes by the name of XXXV Club on Route 35 in Sayerville.

It’s drawn the ire of boro officials who, since 2007, have been trying to get it to close or relocated.

This all has to do with a state law that prohibits sexually oriented businesses from operating within 1,000 feet of homes, public parks, houses of worship or residential development. (Funny how they’re targeting that one place since there are “scores” ((sorry, bad pun!)) of places along 35 that cater to that clientele.)

Enter the clowns…..ehhh….NJ Supremes, who’ve ruled in a 5-1 decision that if the municipality can find said business an alternate location within its marketing territory, even it it’s out of state, then the town has the right to force it to leave Dodge.

In doing so, boro officials have proposed locations in Staten Island as an alternative for those who crave ogling the bare “culo” with their cranberry juice.

OK, so let me get this straight. The Supreme Court, in going along with the boro of Sayerville, is saying, in effect, get out….tell your patrons that if they want their “T and A”, they have to cough up another 12 buck to cross the Outerbridge, and find it on the Isle of Staten.

What they don’t say is that said move fills the coffers of the Port Authority, who have just raised tolls on all its facilities.

I call shenanigans!

But then again, they are pretty consistent…aren’t they?

After all, didn’t they, along with the legislature, bunt on legalizing gay marriage a few years back?

So whatever revenue benefit we’d have seen from legalizing gay marriage, or the tax revenue the aforementioned business would generate, would go…..hmmm, let me see.

Do I hear a New York in there?

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